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Hospice and Palliative Care Resources


Hospice and Palliative Care FAQs

Below are answers to commonly asked questions about Hospice and Palliative Care. If you have additional questions, please email a member of our team, and we will be happy to assist you.

  • How Does Hospice Work?

    Hospice is provided to individuals with a limited life expectancy, often estimated at six months or less. Hospice Care focuses on enhancing the quality of life by managing pain, providing comfort, and addressing emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. Hospice can be delivered in various settings, including the patient’s home, hospice facilities, nursing homes, or hospitals.

  • How Does Palliative Care Work?

    Palliative care is a holistic approach to care for individuals with serious illnesses, regardless of life expectancy. It aims to relieve symptoms, manage pain, address emotional and psychological needs, and enhance overall well-being. Palliative care can be provided at any stage of illness and combined with curative treatment.

  • What Support is Available for Caregivers in Hospice and Palliative Care?

    Caregivers play a vital role in hospice and palliative care. Both provide support and resources for caregivers, including training, counseling, respite care, and assistance with caregiving tasks. Caregivers are offered emotional and practical support to help them navigate the challenges of caring for their loved ones.

  • Who Pays for Hospice Care?

    Hospice is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance plans. Some hospice programs offer charity care for those without insurance. Patients and families can also inquire about available financial assistance and support.

  • Who Pays for Palliative Care?

    Palliative care may be covered by insurance plans, similar to other medical services. Copays or deductibles may apply, so it’s essential to check with your insurance provider. Talk to Calvary to learn about your eligibility.

  • Where Are Hospice and Palliative Care Provided?

    Hospice and palliative care can be provided in various settings, depending on the patient’s preferences and needs. These settings may include the patient’s home, nursing homes, hospitals, and outpatient settings. The choice of location is made in consultation with the patient and their healthcare team.

  • What Are the Benefits of Hospice and Palliative Care?

    The benefits of hospice and palliative care include improved quality of life, effective pain and symptom management, emotional and psychological support, enhanced communication with healthcare providers, and a focus on the patient’s overall well-being. These services provide comfort and dignity during times of serious illness.

Have additional questions?
Please call our Outreach team at: 718-518-2300 or email our Outreach team at: calvaryadmissions@calvaryhospital.org
